Sunday, July 24, 2005

Timp Trail Waterfall

Timp Trail Waterfall
Originally uploaded by Scott Pulver.
This raging waterfall was one we passed on a hike on Mt. Timpanogos near where I live. It flows down the mountain carving out a huge channel in the snow pack, and avalanche areas from last winters snow. Down river it has carved a tunnel about 3 meters tall and 100 meters long under an avalanche slide. A family decided it was a good idea to climb around on the slide area even knowing there was a severe risk of the ice cavern giving way.....These are the people you hear about being air lifted to the hospital, or dying for lack of common sense.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A very late evening view in winter of the Chesler Park area in Canyonlands National Park
Chesler Park Posted by Picasa